Leporello’s Diary
- A modern transcription of Mozart’s
“Don Giovanni” by Fabian Dobler
HeinesenMyndir 2018
Opera.fo’s first major project was “Leporello’s Diary” in 2018 - a modern transcription of Mozart’s “Don Giovanni” by Fabian Dobler (DE).
Leporello’s Diary tells the story of Don Giovanni through the eyes of his servant Leporello. As he chronicles his master’s extravagances, Leporello leads the audience in Faroese through a narrative where the upper class sings in Italian and the rest in Faroese.
Kári Davidsen, Cand.mag. in German and Faroese language, and author of the Faroese-German dictionary, translated the libretto into Faroese, and Hans Pauli Tórgarð, musician and Cand.Mag in Musicology Culture and Aesthetics, adapted the Faroese speech to make it suitable for the rhyme and rhythm of Mozart’s music.
The project was a co-operation with the Faroese National Stage and with OPERASSION, and we had the privilege of having Fabian Dobler himself conduct the piece.
HeinesenMyndir 2018
Annfinnur Heinesen is an actor and director, trained at the National Danish School of Performing Arts. He has worked with many different types of music-theatre; interdisciplinary projects, theater concerts, hymn concerts, several musical tales and concerts in collaboration with the Faroese Symphony Orchestra and Kringvarp Føroya (The National Broadcast), Jesus Christ Superstar and Audition in The Nordic House (Faroe Islands) and “The Soldier's Tale” by Stravinskij along with the Ensemble Aldubáran in The Faroese National Theater. He has moreover worked as a singer and actor in the musical theatre Det Ny Teater in Copenhagen.
Annfinnur produced and directed Leporello’s Diary.
Fabian Dobler has for many years worked as a conductor in the Kammeroper in Hamburg. He has travelled and directed all around the world. He has played and organized musical plays, he has composed and played music and he has written and set up multiple new interpretations of famous classic operas with his own opera group Operassion.
Opera.fo’s first major production was based in and inspired by Fabian Doblers modern transcription of Mozart’s Don Giovanni - “Leporello’s Diary” called “Dagbókin hjá Leporello” in Faroese.
Stage director: Annfinnur Heinesen
Conductor and playwright: Fabian Dobler
Faroese translation: Kári Davidsen and Hans Pauli Tórgarð
Soloists: Herfinnur Árnafjall | Ernst Sondum Dalsgarð | Birita Adela Davidsen | Douglas Yates |
Birita Poulsen | Paula Danielsen
Musicians: Anna Klett | Andreas Tykjær Restorff | Andrass Olsen | Agnar Lamhauge | Jón Festirstein
Choir: Sámal Matras | John Jacobsen | Andrias Petersen | Súni Danielsen | Hans Pauli Tórgarð
Repetiteur: Jóhannes Andreasen